Air Server for iPhone5 – Priceless for Training

On February 21, 2013, in mobile, multimedia, software, training, by admin

The Air Server app is priceless for those of us in the training and documentation industry. It is an inexpensive app that you download onto your Mac and then can tie to via AirPlay from your iPhone, iPad, etc – so long as they are on iOS6. You mirror your screen on the mobile device […]

Scenario-based Recruiting

On October 30, 2012, in assessment, by admin

For those in the programming field or teaching potential programmers, check out this site for real-world scenario based testing, often used for recruiting: Evernote uses it to select potential job candidates. I love that recruiting is finally utilizing more creative ways to filter candidates and capture those with skills and not just what’s on the […]

HIPAA and the Cloud?

On February 22, 2012, in lms, by admin

Following up on my last post regarding data protection in the cloud and the new European Data Protection laws, I’m sharing ZDNET’s latest article on Will your cloud be HIPAA compliant? It’s a good article and makes the point that where there’s a need, the industry will find a way to fulfill the need. But […]

Data Privacy Protection – Impact for Online Education?

On January 25, 2012, in lms, by admin

In the United States online education must comply with FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act), the Technology, Education and Copyright Harmonization Act of 2002 (commonly referred to as the TEACH Act of 2002), intellectual property and copyright laws, Section 508 for accessibility of electronic and information technology, and even HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and […]

DownThemAll! Firefox Extension for Moodlers

On January 12, 2012, in lms, moodle1.9, moodle2, training, by admin

If you use the Moodle software to manage your course, you may have noticed a missing feature that you desperately need. Previous Blackboard and WebCT users are familiar with this feature and lament the lack of it in Moodle. This is the ability to download all the submission files for an assignment at one time. […]

Mobile SCORM – Make way for HTML5!

On January 9, 2012, in reusable, by admin

The ADL posted on the Top Ten Interesting Mobile Statistics from July 2011. In their research they discovered these two statistics that I wish to highlight: Consumer time on mobile apps surpasses time on Web. (Flurry) 2.1bn HTML5 browsers will be on mobile devices by 2016. (ABI Research) What does this mean for eLearning? It […]

A Solution for Alfresco-Moodle2 Integration?

On January 5, 2012, in cms, lms, moodle2, by admin

I have been wracking my brain around the problems with integrating Alfresco and Moodle 2 and file handling for almost a year now. I know many other Moodle users with similar concerns and problems.  I even wrote a whitepaper on the topic: Moodle 2 – Alfresco Integration. It looks like a German company named edu-sharing* […]

SCORM 2004, 4th Edition – Simulation and Gaming, FINALLY!

On January 4, 2012, in lms, reusable, by admin

The ADL released the 4th edition of SCORM 2004 in 2009: – not so exciting news. The EXCITING news is that they have released a beta version of Unity game-based-simulation SCORM packager, built on SCORM 2004, 4th edition, standards: Overview: Download: QuickStart Guide online: Please note, you need to have a developer with Unity authoring […]

SCORM-2-IMS Cartridge

On January 4, 2012, in lms, reusable, by admin

Most LMS (learning management systems, such as Taleo Learn*, Saba, Moodle, Blackboard, SumTotal, etc.) can upload a SCORM package and run it in either SCORM 1.2 or 2004 compliance mode. Some of these systems allow you to upload a SCORM package as an IMS Cartridge as well (such as Moodle – but it may not be fully […]

CMIS Standard

On January 3, 2012, in cms, reusable, by admin

In today’s world, working with data is a must. Knowing where that data is stored and how to access and share it, however, is where most of us meet challenges on a daily operational basis. That’s where all of the different “players” for storing knowledge come in: wikis, learning management systems, content management systems, email, […]