Management Consulting

Virtual and face-to-face consultations provided in the following areas of expertise:

  • - Knowledge and process management systems
  • - Teamwork and collaboration systems
  • - Client support ticketing systems
  • - Change management
  • - Technical and training documentation

LMS Consulting

Virtual and face-to-face consultations, training, and documentation for learning management system ventures:

  • - Instructional design
  • - Instructional systems design
  • - LMS (learning management system) adoption and implementation
  • - Online education and training professional development
  • - Assessment and analytics
  • - Accreditation compliance
  • - Design for digital legal compliance (e.g., FERPA, Accessibility/ADA, Intellectual Property, Copyright, HIPAA)
  • - Usability and user-interface analysis
  • - Branding and marketing for online education
  • - Software, app, and API adoption

eLearning Tech

Experience with vast array of eLearning Companies/Tech, not limited to:
  • - Alfresco
  • - Collaborate, Google Hangouts, WebEx, Connect, Skype
  • - Articulate, Articulate Storyline, Camtasia, Respondus, SoftChalk
  • - Confluence, ScreenSteps, Wikis
  • - JIRA, Redmine, Footprints, ServiceNow, ZenDesk
  • - Cengage, Pearson, Norton, Wiley, McGrawHill, Houghton Mifflin, Macmillian, Bedford, etc.

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